Prague Escorts
17/12/2019Prague is the capital city and largest city of theCzech Republic.
It is one of the largest cities of Central Europe and has served as the capital of the historic region of Bohemia for centuries. Prostitution in the Czech Republic is legal, but organized prostitution (brothels, prostitution rings, pimping, etc.) is prohibited. The enforcement of these laws, however, can be lax.
Ever since the Czechoslovakian Velvet Revolution (1989) led to the creation of the two independent states Czech Republic and Slovakia, prostitution has been flourishing and has contributed its share to the region’s booming tourist economy. It is widespread in Prague and areas near the Republic’s western borders with Germany and Austria. Price for prostitute in Prague for 30 minutes of sex in a private apartment is around 800 to 1500 CZK, while some women ask for less, such as 700 CZK. An hour costs 1300 to 1500 CZK, and two hours above 3000 CZK.
Most prostitutes charge around 5000-8000 CZK for a whole night. Prague is slowly becoming more and more known all over the world as a “New Amsterdam”. Both things (“sex and drugs”) which are tolerated in Amsterdam are also common in Prague. Prague is very popular party capital mostly for British guys, who will come there to host stag parties or just have a weekend get away party. Most of the time many of the guys from the bachelor party groups end up having sex with a prostitute and sometimes a prostitute is even included in the stag party packages which many companies sell to the tourists.
There are almost 200 escort websites for prostitution services in the Czech Republic, up from 45 in 1997, which enable sex tourists to book their travel and appointments to buy sex acts before they leave home. Prague has the world’s first online brothel, Big Sister, where customers get free sex with the sex acts being broadcast on the internet. Escort services are more expensive. These are services where the whore arrives at a destination selected by the customer. The price also depends on the distance; usually it is between 1500 and 3000 CZK per hour of sex.
Prostitution is widespread in Prague and areas near the Czech Republic’s western borders with Germany and Austria. In 2002, the Czech Statistical Bureau estimated the trade to be worth six billion crowns ($217 million) a year. Current estimates indicate there are 10,000 to 25,000 prostitutes in the country. In Prague, the city’s third district (Praha 3), immediately east of the center, is home to much of the city’s sex industry